Game Day Series: Football Tee

Hey hey, friends! We are currently watching the first NFL game of the season while I’m typing this! I could not be happier. I seriously eat this stuff up. This week for the Game Day Series post, I decided to share a tee that supports football in general, rather than a specific team. It’s perfect for a college or professional game, not so much high school considering it has the word “beer” on it, haha! But I have a cute tee for high school games I’ll post soon. Enjoy your weekend and good luck to you and your favorite teams!

FYI, if you can’t tell from the photo, this tee says “drink beer watch football”. My photographer, aka Billy forgot to mention the fact that my hair was covering up my tee in all of the pics we took. Ha! This tee is from RiffRaff, a boutique in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I may or may not have made Billy road trip with me once to Fayetteville just so I could go to this boutique in person after shopping it online for years. The town is darling and they have THE best game day tees. I’ll link this one below.

Tee: RiffRaff Black Plaid Shirt: Old Navy Jeans: AG Jeans Boots: Sam Edelman